Holistic Care Management Pittsburgh

The Value of Holistic Care Management Pittsburgh

You need help caring for your parent. As you are researching, you see information about facilities, hospitalizations, states of decline, the benefits of a parent living at home, caregiver services, and more. With every new discovery, you are more overwhelmed about the situation.

First, for Holistic Care Management Pittsburgh, we will get a detailed history from the family, and agree on a contract for service. We completed an assessment on the 9 areas for both mom and dad offering solutionsA mutually agreed plan of care was established and adjusted as changes occurred.

What Holistic Care Mangers do

Care Managers help your family and loved elders navigate the healthcare maze. Working closely with families, the professional, licensed experts of Holistic Aging – Options For Elder Care LLC provide answers at a time of uncertainty. Their guidance leads families to actions and decisions that ensure quality care and an optimal life for their loved ones thus reducing worry, stress, and time off of work for family caregivers.

How can a Life Care Manager help?

A Life Care Manager, licensed as a professional , can help people with dementia:

  • get the correct diagnosis
  • develop a support system to prepare and plan for the future
  • encourage the person with dementia to take an active role in their condition
  • customize a plan of care to meet the individual’s needs. It’s important to remember that everyone experiences dementia and its progression in their own way.
  • offer suggestions to allow the person with dementia to be able to lead active and fulfilled lives
  • coach the family and care providers on ways to communicate with people with dementia
  • assure a safe environment
  • improve the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease
  • cope with changes in behavior
  • offer recommendations when driving becomes a concern
  • monitor money management and financial safety
  • recommend methods that work when the person will not accept help

Life Care Managers are familiar with strategies and resources to ensure that proper care is provided whether in the home or facility setting. As a Life Care Manager, our goals are to ensure that a patient may function at the highest level of independence, in the least restrictive living environment as long as possible, while

How To Get Your Aging Parent To Accept Help

How To Get Your Aging Parent To Accept Help

I have been practicing as an Aging Life Care Manager for almost 20 years and have been asked this question at least 100 times. I frequently here, “we really see the usefulness and benefit of your service, but how can we convince our parents to let you in”? My response is typically, “Every situation is…

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